Van Gogh’s bridge to Japan

Why are bridges so fascinating? Bridges hold a special place in every culture. They are a means to cross  from one place to another; over a hazard, a dangerous river or chasm. So bridges are both a connection and a marker for a division. When you step off the land …

The systems of a city – look down to find them

When you enter a city – perhaps the one you are in right now, you probably spend quite a bit of time looking up at the architectural details above the shop level. I do that a lot and often find that that is where the history is, where the story …

Drawing on another way to see

When travelling, slow down and take time to look – with the intensity of an artist! The camera can capture what is in front of you, but it takes your intervention to capture how you feel about it. And that is where post-processing comes in. Whether it is just putting …

Why you need a polariser filter for museums

Circular Polariser Filter (CPL) When trying to record your travels, there is nothing so frustrating as not being able to get a decent photo in a museum. On my first visit to the British Museum, I completely failed to get a decent photo of the Rosetta Stone. Why? It was …

Travel Tech Review: Kaiser Baas Bluetooth Mini Keyboard BT-100

Why use a keyboard? Travel blogging – or just recording your trip electronically – means you sometimes want to leave the larger laptop back at the hotel. Yet typing full pages of notes is tricky and slow when trying to use the tiny touch screen keys on your phone. Sure, …

An ergonomic desk in your hotel room and 7 other tips

1. An ergonomic desk So you’ve arrived at your hotel, and the room has comfortable bed, a wardrobe, a table that’s just the wrong height for you and let’s face it, you’d really prefer to sit on the end of the bed to write your blog post or send that …

London’s unofficial tourism ambassador

The cockney street cry could be heard over the London traffic – such is the power of his voice. Then I saw the top hat and blazer from across the street in Covent Garden. “Anybody lost or needs information…” he called, and soon he was pointing out a location on …

Driving through the looking glass

Driving in France is like driving through the looking glass – at least for those of us who usually drive on the left and sit on the right. The hire car was straightforward – I asked for the smallest they had, and it was only a little bigger than the …

Then and Now: Van Gogh’s “Starry Night over the Rhone”

The journey from Paris to Arles took four hours by TGV (fast train) – just 8 months and 135 years after Vincent Van Gogh. His journey was a lot slower, but soon we were following in his footsteps – literally. A map from the local tourist office showed the locations …